Category Archives for "Digital Marketing"

12 Ways to Grow Your Online Sales

online sales

If there is one thing that the pandemic clearly proved, it’s that every business should have the ability to take online orders. Customers are shopping online more now than ever before, and there is no sign that the trend will slow down even as the pandemic does. Whether you are selling exclusively to local customers, or […]

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7 Must-Read Marketing Books of 2020

marketing books

With the number of marketing books on the market, it may seem like there’s nothing more to say. But since marketing is all about what makes people tick, and people are always evolving, there are new things to discover and learn with every passing year. Whether it’s a shift in marketing medium, changes in what’s most […]

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Let Customer Reviews Do the Work For You

customer review strategy

When you’re planning a meal out for a special birthday or anniversary, how do you decide where to eat? You might go with an old favorite that you know you can rely on. But if you want to try something new, you’ll probably seek a recommendation. This recommendation could come from a friend or family member. […]

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Use Tailwind to Promote your Content on Pinterest

How to use tailwind

If you have a business blog, driving traffic is probably your #1 issue (after creating content, that is!). A good SEO strategy is a major component to getting more website visitors, but it takes time. And competing with bigger, more established businesses can be tough. Many bloggers rely on Pinterest to drive more traffic to their blogs. […]

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7 Tips for Productive Remote Marketing

remote marketing

Chances are, you and your marketing team have had your world turned upside-down due to Covid-19. But although you may have had to adjust to remote work, there are some ways to make your “new normal” more productive and efficient. Let’s go over 7 tips for productive remote marketing so you can get back to […]

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The Basics of Backlinks: How to Get Started

SEO building backlinks

Some marketers focus the majority of their efforts on keyword research and content creation. And while those are certainly important pieces to the content marketing puzzle, they’re not the entire puzzle. You can write post after post of perfectly optimized content, but unless other sources are leading people to that content, your site won’t succeed the […]

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